Extra sailings for October School Holidays

Child looking through the floor windows on Aurora V.

We’re thrilled to announce increased services for the Spencer Gulf Ferry during the upcoming October school holidays, making it easier and more convenient for families, tourists, and locals to travel. In response to growing demand, we’re introducing double runs on select days to ensure everyone can enjoy seamless and stress-free journeys across the gulf. Double […]

Aurora V restart 9th September 2024

Marine Traffic image of Aurora V seeking Shelter due to extreme weather.

Great News and an Update on Aurora V! Aurora V set sail from Yamba, NSW, on Saturday morning, looking absolutely stunning after her fresh paint job, major repairs, maintenance on engines, shafts, and propellers, plus a mini makeover of her accommodation! However, due to the extreme weather that has battered the southeastern side of Australia […]

Aurora V delayed due to weather

Due to the extreme weather that NSW has been receiving over the past months, the delivery of our vessel Aurora V has been delayed due to not being able to complete the repairs and maintenance required. We do apologies for the inconvenience which is out of our control. The new date of commencement will be […]

Aurora V slipping update 8th August 2024

Contractor working on replacing the floor in the upstairs accommodation area.

Our Skipper Kane has just sent through some fantastic progress photos of Aurora V’s slipping over in Yamba. 🛠️ The team has been hard at work and here’s what’s happening: 🔹 Anti-foul Treatment: We’re seeing great progress here, ensuring a smooth and protected hull for our voyages ahead. 🔹 New Flooring: The new flooring installation […]

Aurora V is in Yamba

Aurora V ferry tied up on the slipway at Yamba.

Great news! Aurora V has arrived at the Yamba slipway as of Friday, and exciting things are already in motion. The team is hard at work on the engines and tackling a few other jobs. We’re all set for the out-of-water tasks in just a day or so. More photos of the vessel at the […]

Exciting Update from the Seas!

Sunset on the water on the way to Yamba.

The Aurora V set sail from our Wallaroo dock last Saturday, July 20th! They’re en route to Yamba for their annual repairs and maintenance on the slipway, and it looks like they’ll be docking there tomorrow.  The crew has been sharing some incredible pictures from their voyage so far, more images can be seen on […]

Ferry services suspended for repairs and maintenance.

Employee in high vis painting boat railings during repairs and maintenance.

Spencer Gulf Searoad announces the temporary suspension of its Spencer Gulf ferry service for scheduled annual repairs and maintenance of the Aurora V, starting from Monday, 15th July 2024. The vessel will be traveling to a slipway in northern NSW. Regular services are expected to resume on Wednesday, 28th August 2024. Regrettably, as South Australia […]

ANZAC Day schedule change

In observance of Anzac Day, we have adjusted our schedule to facilitate attendance at dawn services, marches, and other memorial activities. These changes demonstrate a collective commitment to honoring the sacrifices of servicemen and women. Commuters are advised to check the revised timetable and plan accordingly. Our regular services will resume from Friday, 26th April […]

Easter Sailing Times

Easter Timetable header

Our sailing times over Easter have been adjusted reflecting two sailings a day on Good Friday 29th March and Easter Monday 1st April 2024. Tuesday, 2nd April 2024 the timetable will revert back to our regular daily timetable. Spaces are still available throughout the weekend. Remember to book online to receive a discount. Reservations are […]

Adelaide Cup Weekend 11th March 2024

The Adelaide Cup Long weekend is quickly approaching. Our timetable for this weekend remains UNchanged from our regular daily timetable. Spaces are still available, please call if towing as space is limited for some sailings. Reservations (08 8823 0777) is open Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm, Saturday 8am to 1pm and Sunday 10am to 3pm. Booking online […]